If you are looking for help, dial 211 from anywhere in Pennsylvania. You will speak with a contact specialist who will help you locate programs and services in your area. The specialist can help make it easier for you to find information, discover options, or deal with a crisis.

If you are having difficulties using the 211 number, dial 1-855-567-5341.

Call PA 211

Dial:  211 or 855-567-5341

Alternative Numbers: 570-829-1341 or 888-829-1341

Text: Text your zip code to 898-211

Chat: Chat with us through pa211.org

Web Form

Please utilize this web form to get in touch with our PA 211 Northeast Center if you are in need of valuable resources to help with your situation.  This web form will be responded to as soon as it can, but in most cases it will not be an instant response.  Feel free to call 211, text your zip code to 898-211 or chat with us through pa211.org for immediate assistance with resources.

If this is an emergency, contact 911.  If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact 988 to be directed to your local crisis center.

Contact 211

Enter your information below to get in contact with your regional 211.


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